Math Tutoring
Jordan Vale is a Math Tutor and Instructor in the Greater Portland Oregon Area for grade school through college students.
Math Tutoring
I like to approach math topics in multiple ways so the student can not only understand the topic but also start to develop their own methods to approach new topics with confidence.
Middle School and High School Math
Elementary Math
Common Core
I am currently taking students. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in math help. Thank you!
Math Videos
Check out these fun math videos while you’re here!
I have a Bachelor of the Arts in Mathematics from Michigan State University where I worked as a teaching assistant. Once moving to Portland I worked at Mathnasium teaching math to grades K-12 for 5 years where my final position was Co-Director. Along the way I have been tutoring privately for the past 9+ years.
At the moment I tutor primarily in person but can also meet online.
I typically teach lessons based on prerequisite skills a student is struggling with, Their current class work, and extended math topics that could help them in their current studies. I’m able to recognize gaps in a student’s math skills and can also teach topics a student would like to cover. I have long term students keep a journal to organize lessons we go over.
I typically charge $80 an hour but I charge extra for extended travel. Sliding Scale payment is available as needed.
I typically schedule sessions by the month and charge 1/2 for cancellations that are less than 24 hours in advance.
If there is any more information you would like to know feel free to ask me a question on my contact page!
Tutor Referral
Here are some other great tutors in the Portland area I recomend if I’m not available to work with your student:
Drew Laiche - a licensed Oregon math teacher, with an endorsement in Advanced Mathematics. his online tutoring sessions offer personalized tutoring solutions that add up to math success. Not only do I teach math, I make it understandable, relevant, and even fun.
“He consistently creates academic weapons” - Emma K. (algebra 3/4)
“Thanks Jordan, your work with Zoe has been very effective, and is not only reflected in her grade but also in her confidence.” - Michelle S. (Parent)
“Thank you for your time and patience tutoring both Savannah and Kestrel. We are all impressed at your level of expertise in that you can seamlessly tutor any level of math. Both kids felt that their time with you was not only helpful but also filled in background information that they didn’t cover in class or had covered at a much more shallow level. I had expected that the tutor sessions would be brief and just cover the material they had questions with. However, your time with each student was much more comprehensive, extremely focused and productive. Your instruction was very clear and well presented. Both kids not only understood the immediate material being covered in class, but also gained a better understanding on how to approach the subject matter. Also, they would not have put in this kind of effort had you not been the patient, funny teacher that you are. Kestrel now understands his AP calc, and this is reflected in the outcome of his final exams. Your patience with Savannah has really helped her approach math with so much more confidence and understanding. Her grades have improved dramatically." - Claudia, parent.
“I think the tutoring is working out great. Katelyn feels comfortable with you, and has found her time with you to be helpful! She’s getting a B in math, which is a big improvement for her. She recognizes that some of the learning techniques they used in elementary school, (number grids for example) weren’t helpful in the long run. I do think she has learning gaps, and needs to learn better, more efficient strategies, and we appreciate that you help with that. I also appreciate that your interaction with her is so positive! She never complains about tutoring days. She says there is a girl there at the library the same day as her, who has a cranky tutor who constantly asks his student, “do you get it now?” Lol. That’s made her appreciate you even more. Thank you! - Jeanne, parent.
“I am glad to know you and appreciate for your time to tutor my daughter in Math. I can see big improvement from Kimberly after learning tutor from you after one month.
* More confidence preparation for text
* Improvement and develop sample and specific assignment learning.
You are a teacher who devotes a great amount of personal effort and interest to your daily teaching activity as well as to your students. You are making an outstanding contribution to teaching and I would continue to have you teaching my daughter for tutor Math.” -Huong, parent.
"Thank you for the math tutoring. I ended up getting a B on the final and a B in the class overall. I don't think that this would have been possible if it was not for you." - Veronica, Calculus I